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your state of mind

By the power of music

Listen now

Ocean 8:09

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More peace

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music | visualisation guide on/off 
empowering pauses

Wow! I am blown away by your sound journeys. I feel bathed in care when I listen to that amazing voice and warm, nurturing words.


Mia Traczyk Hermansen



£5.85 / month

14 days

free trial


Full access to the SoundWheel app

- Easy accessible music led visualisations

- Toggle spoken guide On/Off

- 9 themes Including Rest, Rise, Create og Receive

- More Music, less talk

- Motivational intro course in 9 steps

- Easy to cancel subscription


Full access to KidsWheel

- Guided music journeys for kids

- 4 themes Sleep tight, Balance, New energy and Grounding

NOT another meditation app!


Many people experience restlessness trying to bridge the gap from the rapid tempo of everyday life, to the very low pace of traditional mindfulness and meditation.

The leap is simply too big. Instead of finding focus and new energy, they experience frustration.

SoundWheel is here to change that!

Our progressive music and empowering narratives, is easy accessible yet highly efficient. It takes less than 10 minutes and only requires that you listen.

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Mental fitness

for employees


Elevate the wellbeing of your team with SoundWheel. Our short sessions are easy accessible, and supports refreshing breaks during the workday, reducing stress and sharpening focus.

Boost the energy, and improve company culture, making everyone more content and engaged.

Embrace SoundWheel for both individual support, as well as collective sessions and watch how it transforms the work environment for the better.

Invest in your team's wellness with SoundWheel and witness the positive impact through out your organization.

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School and



SoundWheel supports the well-being of students. We function as a nourishing brain-break facilitated by the teacher in plenary, as well as an individual tool for small breaks for the individual student.

We believe in a new and different way to mental and emotional surplus, and the feedback we get confirms that we are on the right track. The students experience an undogmatic tool at eye level, which is easy to use and gives great effect even with short-term use.

Contact us if your educational institution is interested in hearing more about what our school collaboration looks like.


music journeys

for kids


KidsWheel can help your child to calm down, and is a fun and safe addition to the process of tucking in. The sound journeys activates the child’s imagination and serves as a great bridge between being awake and asleep. It also includes themes like “new energy”, “focus” and “grounding”. Perfect for a short time out, during an active day.

KidsWheel is included in your SoundWheel subscription.

Learn more about KidsWheel here

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